The 2009 issue of the Guild of Book Workers Journal is now out and it is a very impressive. The long wait has definitely been worth it and I would like to be the first to congratulate Cara Schlesinger and her staff on an amazing rebirth for the Journal. VERY nice selection of articles, lots of color, very nice (re)design, ... The Bone Folder appears on pages 48-63. In her foreword to the issue Cara writes:
... museums; and a translation of a 1922 German text in which a fictional binder engages his collector-client in a series of discussions about binding. As you read this particular piece, consider the similarities between the challenges faced by conservators and translators: how visible should the practitioner's hand be? How does one retain the essence of the original while making a piece accessible to a new population of readers? What sort of documentation should be provided for posterity?Interesting questions and ones which I hope to discuss in the future. A letterpress/printing focused dialog from the same general time by Oldrich Menhart and translated by Philip Metzger, Evening Conversations of the Booklover Rubricius and the Printer Tympanus, will appear in Volume 7 of The Bonefolder and serve as a complement to Collin's text. Both are charmingly pedantic in their own way but provide valuable insight into the state of the crafts and craftsmanship during that time.