Showing posts with label Miscellaneous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miscellaneous. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Human Library 2016 - a book about books about books

At the Human Library and all "meta" as the "book" (Z700.9 Library of Congress classification for my authority record) "You Can Judge a Book by its Cover." Got to talk books, and show books largely about bookbinding. Was "checked out" 3x, renewed 1x, and browsed 2x. Based on current policies and workflows I'm pretty sure I won't be weeded or transferred to the preservation environment in our offsite facility... Whew!

All bindings by me, with exception of my copy of Claudia Cohen's "Bookbinding Ephemera" that displays the materials used in bookbinding so beautifully. View images of the book at

Here my catalog record. Next time, full LC and Dewey classifications.


Watch a nice short documentary about the event at Syracuse.

The Human Library is an international idea,, The Syracuse University Libraries, where I work, have hosted an event since 2014. This was my first time as a book.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Hands-on Workshops at Book Fairs

Via the Pirckheimer-Gesellschaft, a Berlin-based bibliophilic society I am a member of, I was made aware of this video of the Buch Druck Kunst fine press fair at the Museum der Arbeit (Museum of Labor) in Hamburg. In addition to vendors selling antiquarian books in addition to fine press editions…, they also had hands-on workshops for young and old in making bookish Jacob’s ladder like folders, silk screen printing, and papermaking.

Über die Pirckheimer-Gesellschaft, eine bibliophile Gesellschaft bei der ich Mitglied bin, wurde ich auf dieses Video von der Buch Druck Kunst Ausstellung beim Museum der Arbeit in Hamburg aufmerksam gemacht. Zusätzlich zu den Ständen von Antiquaren und buchkunst und graphischen Verlagen gab es auch Workshops zum machen von einer Zaubermappe, Siebdruck, Papier machen. Alles mit Klebstoff, Messer, Schere...

Click here for the video in German

This reminded me of visiting the Cologne-based model railway trade show where the large manufacturers also had layouts on the floor, platforms, or tables for kids to play with any way they wanted. Even had kits for the kids to put together with glue, scalpels, snips. Anything for them to be hands on. Still have the house my daughter built at 5 or so on my layout.

Wonder how many books fairs have these kinds of activities…? Would be a great way to connect with the next generation on a multitude of levels.

Hierbei wurde ich an unsere Reise zur Modellbahnmesse in Köln erinnert wo die größeren Hersteller fast alle ganz auf die Kinder ausgerichteten Spielanlagen mit Rollmaterial auf Teppich, Plattform, oder Tisch hatten. Die konnten sogar mit Hilfe oder von selbst ein Fallerhaus basteln mit Kleber, Skalpell, ... Habe noch immer das von meiner damals um die 5 gebaute auf meiner Anlage...

Ich wundere mich wieviele Buchmessen auch auf Kinder gerichtete Ausstellungen und Aktivitäten haben? Wäre ein super weg die nächste Generation für das Buch als Objekt zu gewinnen...

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Paper Sizes

Love the DIN formats. Just keep folding the sheet in half...There are also B and C series for envelopes and other things. See also here and here.

From Brandbook @ Flicker