Just came into several issues of the Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde, n.F., spanning the years 1910 - 18. Some wonderful advertising for binderies and binders I've shared here and seen in other places, so perhaps more fodder for future posts. You can find most of these binderies on the Buchstadt | City of the Book, Leipzig, 1913 map.
E.A. Enders, 500 employees and 230 machines. Everything bookbinding and related, with an extra-binding department head by Professor Walter Tiemann. Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde, n.F., vol 9, 1917-18 |
E.A. Enders in 1929. From Muster-Betriebe deutscher Wirtschaft. |
Hübel & Denck, Leipzig. Royal Bavarian Court bookbinders. Odd that the Wittelsbacher went to Leipzig in Saxony. No one in Munich, Nuremberg, or ...? Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde, n.F., vol 2, 1910-11. Hübel & Denck also published the Monatsblätter für Bucheinbände und Handbindekunst, a monthly newsletter with articles by and for bibliophiles that Ernst Collin wrote for as well. Each issue had its own distinctive typographical design and often included samples of materials. [Bindery image] |
Karl Ebert in Munich Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde, n.F., vol 9, 1917-18 |
Completed book cases for the Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde by W. Drugulin, Leipzig. Drugulin also printed Ernst Collin's Pressbengel in 1922. Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde, n.F., vol 2, 1910-11 You can see modern examples of these book cases towards the bottom here. |
Carl Sonntag Jun[ior] and Julius Hager, Leipzig. More about Sonntag in German. An ad for Julius Hager from 1921. |