Many, many thanks to María Ángela Silvetti for asking, the translation, and her team for making it happen. This was also a perfect excuse to update all the images. 21+ years is a long time in imaging technology ...
Thursday, November 28, 2024
German-style Springback translated Into Spanish in Códice
Many, many thanks to María Ángela Silvetti for asking, the translation, and her team for making it happen. This was also a perfect excuse to update all the images. 21+ years is a long time in imaging technology ...
Saturday, June 22, 2024
German Springback Tutorial Images Upgraded
After over two decades, I finally upgraded the images and made some other tweaks to the German-style springback tutorial I wrote with Donia Conn.
The tutorial was originally published in Designer Bookbinders' The New Bookbinder, vol. 23, 2003. It was, and still is shared online at The Book Arts Web.The original images were shot on film, not terribly well lit, and printed in black and white. Those were the times.
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The action of the spine from the 2003 article. |
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A cutaway model from the 2003 article. |
While the action of the spine and some other functional aspects are identical to the English version, the aesthetic and steps, especially the construction of the spring are quite different. View the tutorial here. Below some of the images via Instagram.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Disbinding Bradel, Part 3: Binding your Pappband, aka ur-Bradel
Endpapers at this time were most often plain and very similar to the text paper. The most common construction was one of the "hooked" variants that were sewn along with the first and last signatures.
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Fritz Otto inspecting the hooked end sheet in this 1825 imprint. |
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These endpapers would have been "hooked" around the first and last signatures, then sewn. From "Vorsätze im Buch", Archiv für Buchbinderei, Vol 13, 1913. Pp 66-71. English translation at HathiTrust. |
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From Blaser, Linda, "Development of Endpapers", the Guild of Book Workers Journal, Vol 32, Nr. 1. Also in AIC’s Wiki. |
The end leaves can be left longer at the fore-edge, and trimmed back later. Common to these are the guards and/or waste sheets to the outside. After sewing and backing, the cover would be built up on these guards.
These books would have been sewn on sawed-in or untwisted cords. Later, tapes would also have been used. For our binding, we will untwist 3 sets of 4 or 6 "cord", one for each sewing station. The untwisted cords will be laid next to each other flat, the width used for punching holes as if sewing on 3 tapes.
Make a template and pre-punch the sewing holes from the inside out using a sewing needle. A “sewing gauge” for spacing buttons makes this easy.
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Using the "sewing gauge". |
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Template for punching sewing holes. |
We sewed on the untwisted cords rather than regular twisted cords due to a lack of sewing frames at the workshop venue. Sewing on untwisted cords allowed all to easily compact the signatures as with tapes. Transfer the marks from measuring to a folded piece of scrap paper or thin card like from file folders to make your template for pre-punching, or sawing-in as would have been done in the past.
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Sewing |
While sewing, ensure that this is even and taut. Use your folder to rub down sections as you go. This will help create a more solid text block.
Apply narrow bead of adhesive at fold of 2nd and 2nd to last (the “text” sections), but make sure not to go beyond that hooked guard. Then make sure all is aligned and the folds line up, and rub down. Trim end leaves at foredge using adjacent text section as guide.
Glue up spine between cords and at ends. Make sure text block is square and signatures line up. Let dry.
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Sewn and glued up text block. Note marks across spine at right side to ensure signature orientation. |
Round and back text block:
Round and back to ca 45 degrees, with the base of the shoulder ca. two board thicknesses from top of the shoulder. The thread should provide enough swell for this to happen organically, but gentle backing helps define the shoulder.
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Rounding. |
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Shaping the spine with the Kashiereisen, also known as a grattoir/frottoir For more, go to this post. The one used was made by Jeff Peachey.. |
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Height of shoulder relative to board thickness. |
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The cords after fraying out with the fray shield. After teasing the fibers of the cord apart, they are slipped into the notch, and a bookbinders' knife is used to finish and make them silky smooth. |
Apply glue to guard, paste to cords, and fan out cords on guards, smoothing with folder as Fritz Otto demonstrates.
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Fanning out the frayed-out cords on the guard. |
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The finished result. He Fritz Otto could have done a better job on the one at left, but still better than not fraying at all... |
Endbands and spine lining:
Hand-sewn endbands would have been rare on bindings using this structure, so in lieu of weaving them, we will make very simple stuck-on ones out of cotton muslin. Glue/paste out the cord, twist tighter, and roll back and forth on wastepaper until smooth and round. Taking a piece of scrap board, make a cut on each side and stretch cord across, using the tight fit of the cuts to hold cord taut. Glue out fabric slip underneath, fold over, and pull taut around cord with folder.
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The cord stretched and held taut with the fabric before and after. |
The gebrochener Rücken:
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"Gebrochener Pappbandrücken" (1898) at left, translated as "spring back" (1903) at right. |
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Measuring the spine. |
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Paring the edge of the long sides. |
Finally, round and attach the spine piece, aka the "gebrochener Rücken" to the text block.
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"Gebrochener Rücken" attached to the text block. |
There are two methods of doing this.
- Adhesive is applied from the innermost crease outward so that the spine piece is connected to the text block from the fold at the top of the shoulder on.
- Adhesive is applied from the outermost crease outward so that the spine piece is connected to the text block from the base of the shoulder outwards.
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On the left, the "ur-Bradel" one-piece spine, on the right the later 2-piece. The image at right is from the first book structure I learned, and was bound during my 1984 internship in Nuremberg. |
First, let's make the boards so that they have a chance to dry. Laminate 3 or more plys (to equal height of shoulder) each of a heavy water color paper like Khadi, Cave Paper, or similar to make the boards. For this model I used 640gsm "rough" Khadi. [Note: I usually make these as one of the first steps so they are dry, flat, and ready for use at this stage]
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The board layers on the completed cut-away model. |
Next, attach the boards (still oversized) to the spine piece, aligning just to the outside of the crease at the base of the shoulder. Put in press and give good nip. Note, in addition to paper, this structure was also used for bindings in cloth, leather, and parchment. Depending on the thickness of the covering material adjust the placement of the board outwards. For leather, the material was generally not worked into the groove as it would be for paper, cloth, or parchment.
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View of board attachment from inside with layers. |
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Both boards are attached. |
Trimming boards and spine:
Next, trim the boards to the final size. To do this traditionally, the German binder would have used an edge-trimming rule that was made with raised “lips” (Kantenlineal) that came in various widths that represented the typical squares that would have been used.
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Cutting the squares using a Kantenlineal. |
Alternatively, mark the squares slightly taller than the endbands all around, and using a rule and sharp knife (box cutter recommended) trim the boards all around. Finally, use scissors to cut spine stiffener to height. A board shear would be cheating...
Open the book, spine down, on the bench and carefully slit the guard where it is attached to the spine at top and bottom (like a hollow) so that the turn-ins can be made. Also tear away any excess from the guard or waste sheet.
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Slit for turn-ins on completed model. |
Glue/paste out the entire covering paper. Next, position the text block on the paper so that the turn-ins are even at top, bottom, and foredge.
Flip over at edge of table, smooth out and carefully work into groove (A clean piece of paper between covering paper and folder will help protect covering. Next rub down on spine, flip over again, work into groove and then smooth across other board.
Next, turn-in starting with top/bottom edges, then foredge. When dry, trim out so that the squares are even.
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Turned-in and trimmed out. |
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The completed model. Note the cutaway in the center and the untrimmed board sections, including at the tail of the book. |
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All the models bound during the workshop. The day was filled with lots of "do as I say, not as I do" moments... Fritz Otto for scale. |
- Embree, Anna, Deborah Howe, and Consuela Metzger. "This Is What I Call It/This Is How I Do It: Three approaches to a common case binding technique". The Guild of Book Workers Journal, Vol 52, 2023. (pp. 38-56)
- Hebert, Henry. "German Paper Bindings: The Lapped Component". Work of the Hand blog, 11/16/2011.
- La reliure autrement… Manuel pour la reliure et la réparation des livres destinés à la conservation à long terme, 2004. See section 2. Reliure bradel.
- Mesmer, Renate. "Edelpappband". The Guild of Book Workers Journal, Vol. 41, Nr. 2, 2004. (pp. 13-17) Describes the in-boards, built up on text block variant. See also the handout from GBW Standards, 2004.
- Rebsamen, Werner - Gebrochener Rücken,Shaped Spine Case-Binding Techniques, Abby Newsletter, 1987.
- Verheyen, Peter. Tutorials on the German case binding, "millimeter"/Edelpappband, "gebrochener Rücken" ("three piece case binding"), and vellum binding.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Disbinding Bradel, Part 2: A walk through the German bookbinding literature
Before we dive into the review of the literature, below the key attributes of the Pappband structure, what we in the English speaking world refer to as the "German case binding" or "Bradel".
- Simple, often hooked endpapers that include guards/stubs/waste sheet for gluing down frayed out cords or other sewing support such as vellum or leather.
- Rounded and backed to around 45 degrees
- A spine piece of heavy card, later of separate strip for spine adhered to heavy paper
- large enough to act as wrapper for brochures
- Spine structure/formation was also used for parchment bindings.
- "Gebrochener Rücken", "gebrochen" from “brechen”, to brake (bend/fold as in sheet metal)
- Spine piece shaped, rounded, and adhered to guards/stub
- Boards adhered to spine piece at base of shoulder
- Boards and spine piece trimmed to final dimensions
- Cover
- Put down ends/case in.
- Later, would also be worked as case binding using same components.
Like many early bookbinding manuals, the German manuals are minimally illustrated and written for a trade that would have learned the techniques starting as apprentices working at the bench under the guidance of journeymen and masters. Those manuals would have served as references. If illustrations were included, they were generalized depictions of binderies with various processes shown, such as frontispieces, some diagrams for e.g. folding signatures or of tools, and fold-out plates that showed a variety of tools. That changed in the mid-/late 19th century when in addition to diagrams, they were illustrated with the latest in bookbinding and related machines, sometimes including the hands of the maker and operators. Readers would have been familiar with what was being described. They are far removed from many of today’s manuals with step-by-step, fully illustrated instructions.
The manuals would begin by describing foundational steps such as beating, folding, and sewing in general terms, followed by specific binding types, referencing the steps, especially where they differ. The appropriate endpaper construction for these “Pappband” bindings would be selected from the simpler ones, often plain, but also colored. These could be hooked around the first and last sections, be a plain double folio sections, and later, a tipped-on folio. There could also be a combination of hooked paper guards and/or waste sheets, and later sewn cloth hinges that might be selected. Spines would be lined after rounding/backing and endbanding with strong paper, or in the case of heavier books parchment or cloth under the paper that might extend onto the guards.Zeidler in his Buchbinder Philosophie oder Einleitung… (1708) describes sewing the text on cord/vellum/leather slips, rounding and backing and lining the spine with parchment or linen strips between sewing supports and extending beyond spine. The sewing supports (cords frayed out) would then be adhered to a guard/waste sheet that was part of the endpapers. A wrapper for the book would be made out of one piece of card fit to the shape of the text block at top and bottom of the shoulder. This would be attached to the text via the guard or waste sheet (Ansetzfalz). Finally, it was trimmed tight to the text, like what would later be called a brochure. The same process of shaping the spine was also applied to lined parchment when that was used as a covering material. (pp. 100-03)
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Oevres du Comte Alagrotti, Berlin, 1772. A simple wrapper. Just one small step from a Steifbroschure. Note folds at shoulder, sewing supports under hooked pastedown. From the collection of Jeff Peachey. |
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Title page to Zeidler, 1708. |
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"Rückenbrechen" in Prediger, p. 113. |
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Title page to Prediger, 1772. |
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Title page to Bücking, 1785. |
[s.n.] Anweisung zur Buchbinderkunst, (1802) writes that after backing…, fray out the cords and paste/glue down on stubs (Flügel/Falz) (pp. 128-9). Next, create the wrapper from one piece of board. To measure width of spine, flatten the spine of the text block, mark, and break/crease (brechet, gebrochene) at shoulder and to the outside of the first creases to create the wrapper.
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"Brechet" and "gebrochene" from Anweisung, p. 138. |
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Title page to Anweisung, 1802. |
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"Gebrochen", "gebrochener Rücken" in Greve, p. 327. |
Discussing tools for backing and shaping the spine, Greve mentions the use of a Kaschiereisen and Kaschierholz (Frottoirs) (pg. 214-15) in addition to the hammer. He is also the first to mention edge trimming rules (Kantenlineal) (p. 329) that facilitate cutting even board squares. The springback, an English invention is also mentioned. (p. 336)
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Title page to Greve, 1823. |
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Bradel in Le Normand, pg. 139. |
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Title page to Le Normande, 1832. |
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Title page to Schäfer, 1845. |
In a later edition (1865), he describes the original one-piece construction of this spine piece, but for the first time, the 2-piece construction we now use where the spine stiffener is glued to a piece of heavier paper. In this, the spine stiffener is cut from card to the width of the spine and glued onto a wider strip of heavy paper so that the width would be equivalent to that of the then traditional one-piece spine piece. Like the traditional, it would be edge pared and adhered to the guards. Like Greve it mentioned adjusting the board position for the thickness of the covering material. Thon was also the first to describe this structure for use as a case binding, suggesting that one attach the spine piece to the guards with two dabs of glue, then attach the boards, cover, and pop off to stamp the cover or spine. Before this, labels would have been used. The case is then reattached properly and the ends put down. Thon also described creating the case without the connecting strip, mentioning that this was suited to mass production and that a hollow could be used to secure it to the text block. (pp. 331-342)
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On the left, the "ur-Bradel one-piece spine, on the right the later 2-piece. The image is from the first book structure I learned and bound during my 1984 internship in Nuremberg. |
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Title page to Thon, 1856. |
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Title page to Brade, 1882 |
Adam was one of the most prolific German bookbinding instructors and authors of the late 19th early 20th centuries, arguably responsible for much of the codification of techniques that resulted in Luers, Rhein, and Wiese.
Both versions of the spine piece (1-piece card, 2-piece paper and card) and the method of attachment were described in Systematisches Lehr- und Handbuch der Buchbinderei (1882) and Der Bucheinband, seine Technik und seine Geschichte (1890).
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Title page from Adam, 1882. |
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Title page to Adam, 1890. |
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"Gebrochener Pappbandrücken" (1898) at left, translated as "spring back" (1903) at right. Note that the "spine stiffener" is to the inside of the connecting paper strip. |
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Title pages from Adam, 1898 & 1903. |
H. Bauer’s Katechismus der Buchbinderei (1899) written in the form of a dialog describes the spine piece as being made from 2 pieces of card, one the width of the spine, the other wider. As with this structure, the narrower piece was adhered centered to the wider piece. Unlike most other descriptions (excepting Greve (1823), C. Bauer (1903), and A. Franke (1922), it was only adhered to the guards from the outer folds at the base of the shoulder only. (pp. 137-39)
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Title page from H. Bauer, 1899. |
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Title page from C. Bauer, A. Franke ed., 1903. |
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Title page from C. Bauer, A. Franke ed., 1922. |
and “simplified” built up on the text block. There is also the explanation I was given by Suzanne Schmollgruber, formerly of the Centro del bel Libro in Ascona, CH, is that in modern usage, the "Bradel" is now used to describe bindings using the "gebrochener Rücken" that are built up on the text block, whereas "mit aufgesetzten Deckeln" is used to describe the "three piece case binding" variety.
- Caswell, Bexx and Patrick Olson. "Germany and the Modernization of Bookbinding: Evidence from Michigan State University's Criminology Collection." Found in: Miller, Julia (ed.). Suave Mechanicals: Essays on the History of Bookbinding. Volume 5. Ann Arbor: The Legacy Press, 2019.
- Cloonan, M. V. Early Bindings in Paper: A Brief History of European Hand-made Paper-covered Books with a Multilingual Glossary. Boston, MA: G.K. Hall, 1991.
- Frost, Gary. (1982). "Historical paper case binding and conservation rebinding". The New Bookbinder, 2, 64-67, 1982.
- Pattison, Todd and Graham Patten. "Confusing the Case: Books Bound with Adhered Boards, 1760 –1860". Found in: Miller, Julia (ed.). Suave Mechanicals: Essays on the History of Bookbinding. Volume 5. Ann Arbor: The Legacy Press, 2019.
- Rhodes, B. "18th and 19th century European and American paper binding structures: a case study of paper bindings in the American Museum of Natural History Library". Book and Paper Group Annual, 14, 51–62, 1995.