Showing posts with label Falzbein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Falzbein. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Das Falzbein - Mission Accomplished

Halt! Nicht die Pleite oben, sondern die Vervollständigung meiner Falzbein Sammlung.

Wait! Not the disaster above, but rather completing my run of Das Falzbein.

Konnte endlich mein Set von dem Falzbein vervollständigen. Habe zwar 3 Jahrgänge doppelt (1948/49, '57/'58, und '59/'60), aber die Einbände sind schön, und so bin ich froh darüber. Das Falzbein war der Nachfolger von dem Buchbinderlehrling, und genauso DIE Zeitschrift für Lehrlinge im Buchbinderhandwerk nach dem Krieg.

Was finally able to complete my run of Das Falzbein. I do have some duplicates (1948/49, '57/'58, and '59/'60), but the bindings are wonderful so I'm glad to have them. Das Falzbein was successor to Der Buchbinderlehrling (1927-43), and like it, THE magazine for apprentices in the German post-war era.

Unten, mein Lieblingseinband an dem Falzbein.

Below also my favorite binding from Das Falzbein.

Das war der zweitletzte Jahrgang den ich erwarb, und es dauerte anderthalb Jahre bis ich das letzte, fehlende fand (oder besser gesagt es mich fand).

That was the second to last one I acquired, and took a year and a half to get the last one (fat red thing towards right) in the first picture...

Sie auch meine Sammlung von dem Buchbinderlehrling.

See also my collection of Der Buchbinderlehring.

Und, wie wir alle wissen, wird man mit dem Falzbein schlauer!

And, as we all know, reading the Falzbein makes us smarter!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

„Safety first"

Bin dabei etwas in der Fachbibliothek zu stöbern und fand im 12. Jg. vom Falzbein (1959-60) diesen Aufsatz zum them Sicherheit und Risikobereitschaft. Thematische Zeichnungen stammen ebenfalls aus dem Band...

Been browsing the reference collection and found an article on safety in the workplace and the willingness to take risks in Das Falzbein, Vol. 12 (1959-60). Without translating the article. Be safe when appropriate (see caricatures), but otherwise learn to take risks to move yourself and career forward. No risks, no rewards... The caricatures are from the same issue...

Even the Meister doesn't dare enter the workshop...

„Safety first" ist nicht immer angebracht

Nichts gegen gewisse Sicherheiten! Nichts auch gegen das „safety first!" im Kampf gegen den Verkehrstod auf der Straße und gegen den Unfallteufel im Betrieb. Das besagt aber nun noch lange nicht, daß die Parole des „safety first!" immer und überall angebracht ist. In den entscheidenden Augenblicken unseres Lebens nützt uns meistens alle äußere Sicherheit nur in dem Maße etwas, in dem wir unserer selbst sicher sind. Diese geistige Sicherheit jedoch kann immer nur auf dem Wege äußerster, bewußter Unsicherheit gewonnen werden. Das gilt es heute mehr denn je auseinanderzuhalten. Denn wer zur rechten Zeit nicht mehr den Mut zum Risiko aufbringt, der setzt sich nur allzu leicht dem Risiko aus, daß andere ihn noch zu viel größeren Risiken zwingen. Dieser Gefahr gilt es vorzubeugen...

Der ganze Aufsatz ist hier als PDF oder unten als JPG.

Poster asks, "are you grabbing a wasp's nest?,"
apprentice about to put hands in glue machine responds with "stupid question."

Take a breath and slow down (pay attention) /
otherwise you'll lose the tip of your thumb /

Klick Bild zum vergrößern | Click to enlarge

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sammeln - Collecting

Bücher zu sammeln, besonders antiquarische,
kann manchmal wie geruhsames Angeln sein...,
Book collecting, especially of antiquarian titles can be like contemplative fishing...,

oder wie auf der aktiven und spannenden Jagd zu sein...
or like being hot on the trail of the quarry...

Ich bin dabei meine Sammlung von dem Falzbein, das nachkriegs Pendant zum Buchbinderlehrling zu vervollständigen und habe eins der ersehnten Jahrgänge gesehen in einem besonders schönem Lehrlingseinband...

I'm in the process of completing my collection of the Falzbein, the postwar equivalent to the Buchbinderlehrling, and saw one of the missing volumes in an especially attractive apprentice binding.

Photo vom Antiquar | Dealer photo

Dieser war auf eBay zusätzlich zu verschiedenen Händlerplatformen wie ABE, ZVAB, ... angeboten. Versucht zu bestellen, weg... Schade, aber der gute Antiquar hatte noch einen der mir fehlte also trotzdem dem Ziel näher...

This had been offered on eBay by the dealer in addition to the other bigger platforms such as ABE, ZVAB, ..., and when I tried to order I got the bad news that this volume was gone already. Dang, but the good Antiquarian had another volume I was missing, so still a step closer to the finish line... 

Note from dealer letting me know the bad news...

Weiter suchen, und ein paar Monate später tauchte der selbe (Bilder vergleichen) bei einem meiner lieblings Antiquare auf. Geschnappt...

Continued my searching, and a few short months later the same volume in the same binding (compare pictures) showed up at one of my favorite dealers. Got it!

Oft ist die "Jagd" nach Titeln eher geruhsam, wie im ersten Bild, dieses mal, eher Aktiv und hat sich gelohnt. Wer den 11. Jahrgang hat, darf sich gerne bei mir mit einem Angebot melden...

The hunt for books is usually slower and more contemplative (like in the first picture), and sometimes they get away. This time it was more aktiv, like a dog following a fresch scent, but I got the quarry. So, whomever has the 11th volume of this title and is willing to part with it, make me an offer...

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Bookbinding Caricatures, 1948

Mehr Karikaturen aus'm Falzbein, 1948. Das Falzbein war die Lehrlingszeitschrift und erschien als Beilage zum Allgemeinen Anzeiger für Buchbindereien. Es ersetzte den Buchbinderlehrling (1927-1943). Alle Zeichnungen von Jopf ausser dem Obersten.

More cartoons out of the Falzbein, 1948. The Falzbein was the magazine for bookbinding apprentices, appearing as an insert in the Allgemeiner Anzeiger für Buchbindereien. It replaced the Buchbinderlehrling (1927-1943). All drawings by Jopf, except for the top one.

Wenn das nur gut geht!
If only nothing goes wrong!

Ha, ist dann der Titel schief oder bin ich schief. Dumme Frage alles Schief.
Ha, is the title crooked or am I crooked. Dumb question, everything's crooked.

Nit möglich, raucht der Stift doch meine Zigarren!!
Really, the apprentice is smoking my cigars!!

So, wenn Du nicht sofort sagst wer mir den Kleister in meinen Spinat getan hat,
werde ich Dich mit 'ner Hülse hinterkleben und bis morgen so stehn lassen...!!

So, if you don't tell me right now who put paste in my spinach,
I'll put a hollow on you and leave you in here overnight...!!

Ich werde Dir helfen die Bücher zu flicken...
I'll help you "fix" those books...
"Zweimal Old Shatterhand" refers to one of the lead characters in Karl Mey's
Western series, as well as the hand of the Meister that is about to strike the apprentice...

Friday, May 1, 2015

Final Exams und Prüfungen

Best of luck to all those working on their final projects and exams at North Bennet Street School, American Academy of Bookbinding, University of Alabama, Columbia College Chicago, University of Iowa, and all others. Auch für die die an ihren Gesellen- und Meisterstücken arbeiten besten Erfolg!

Competition during final exams
Chief Guild Master Paolucci watches as the Journeyman candidates reveal their secrets...
Caricature by JOPF, from Das Falzbein, 1948 (112)

Create your own caption and enter in comment box below.
Schreiben Sie ihre Bildunterschrift im Kommentarkasten unten.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

"Spring" Binding Hath Sprung - Zum Frühling

The ground in Syracuse (NY) still has snow and the temperatures are still unseasonably cold from time to time, BUT the Sun crosses the Equator tomorrow and the first day of spring is here. The days are getting longer, our clocks "sprung" forward in the US on the 8th, so why not "celebrate" one of my favorite binding structures, the springback.

Hier in Syracuse, NY, liegt noch Schnee, die Temperaturen sind noch gelegentlich niedriger als normal, ABER die Sonne überquert den Equator morgen und der Frühling ist hier! Die Tage werden länger und wir haben in den USA am 8. auf Sommerzeit umgestellt. Also, warum nicht den Frühling mit dem Sprungrücken feiern? (im Englischen ein "gutes" Wortspiel...)

Above the logo for the first Bonefolder Bind-O-Rama (2004) that was featured on the cover of the Bonefolder. While published in the fall, the Bonefolder was announced early in the spring.

Oben, das Logo für das erste  Bind-O-Rama des Bonefolder von 2004. Das Heft kam im Herbst des Jahres zum ersten Mal heraus, wurde aber im Frühling angekündigt.

The Bonefolder, Vol 1, no. 1, Fall 2004

And from the Bind-O-Rama, this miniature springback by Roberta Lavadour.
“A Counting” – English-style springback, leather cover with double straight bands laced with deer vellum. 600 pages of 9 lb. Canary paper with painted edges. Inscription notes the multiplier for each of the 300 page spreads needed to equal the number of dead and wounded American soldiers and Iraqi civilians since March 2003. 7.5 x 7 x 2.5 cm. Bound 2004.

The mechanics of this springback reflect Richard Bakers demonstration at the Guild of Book Workers Seminar on Standards of Excellence in Hand Bookbinding in Denver CO, with a few references to Vaughans 1929 classic, Modern Bookbinding. The new purpose of this springback is to pop up the pop-up. The book measures 5.5 inches by 6.5 inches by 1.5 inches. Bound 2004.

Historical ledger bindings in an archive...

The structure is most common to the German and English binding traditions and has seen increased interest in the US since the early 2000s with articles and presentations largely by Peter D. Verheyen, Donia Conn, Richard Baker, and Karen Hanmer.

Sprungrücken gibt es am Häufigsten in der deutschen und englischen Buchbindertradition, und hat in den USA aber Anfang der 2000er neue Aufmerksamkeit gesehen in Aufsätzen, Vorführungen, und Kursen, hauptsächlich durch  Peter D. Verheyen, Donia Conn, Richard Baker, und Karen Hanmer.

Poster for the German tradition by Verheyen and Conn based on materials for our article in The New Bookbinder.
Guild of Book Workers Standards Friday Forum poster session, Minneapolis, MN, 2002

Richard Baker "hammering over" the headcap for the English-style.
Guild of Book Workers' Standards, Denver, CO 2003.
Cut-away model of German springback
Schnittmodell vom deutschen Sprungrücken

Interactive cut-away diagram (auf Englisch) here

These tutorials, with bibliographies can be found at | Anleitungen auf Englisch gibts hier:
  • The Springback: Instructions in the German tradition for a binding designed for account, ledger, and guest books. By Peter D. Verheyen and Donia Conn.
  • The Springback: Instructions in the English tradition for a binding designed for account, ledger, and guest books. By Peter D. Verheyen.
The structure is also described in all the leading bookbinding manuals published in German and in England.

Die Einbandart ist in allen gängigen Fachbüchern zu finden, also Henningsen, Lüers, Moessner,Wiese, Zahn...

[Edit 28 April, 2015: Nice article from West Dean Conservation in the UK on a student's first time making an English style springback | Schöner Aufsatz von einem West Dean Conservation Studentin in der UK: Springback Binding with Richard Nichols by Lucy Cokes]

Donia Conn cutting the spine on the German style
Rücken Ende absägen beim deutschen Sprungrücken

What's the attraction to this arcane structure that has long since been replaced by Microsoft Excel and now mostly sees use for guest books? It's the energetic springing flat of the pages as the book is opened that seem to give it wings.

Warum die Aufmerksamkeit für diese ausgestorbene Einbandart die vielleicht noch für Gästebücher anwendung sieht? Es ist das kraftvolle Öffnen und die flach-liegenden Seiten die dem Einband Flügel verleihen...

At left, "Not possible...," at right, "whoa! Wow!"
"As seen at the 1948 journeyman's exam in Cologne"
Sprungrücken, Das Falzbein, 1948, pg 96

So, let's spring into spring with renewed energy!
Also, ab in den Frühling mit erneuter Energie... !

Monday, January 19, 2015

The Bonefolder (no, not that one)

Recently acquired volumes 1-9 (of 12) of the Falzbein (the Bone Folder), the successor publication to the Buchbinderlehrling. The first volume appeared in 1948, the last in this form in 1960. A journal like this was a bridge to trade school that continued the overall education of the young apprentices because at that time they were dropped from the university-bound track. Subjects included social studies, math, and science as they related to binding. This also included paper making, leather tanning and parchment making, cloth, and in-depth engineering of bookbinding machines... Unlike the Buchbinderlehrling, this one also included numerous cartoons in each volume by Jopf. Can't find anything about him online, so he will remain a mystery, for now...

Below a cartoon from that first volume. I'll share more with translated captions.
My daddy isn't here. How would you like to have your prayerbook bound,
as a springback, perforated, or like a calendar
with tear-off pages?

But all good things have to end as indicated by this note in the parent periodical, the Allgemeiner Anzeiger für Buchbindereien (AAfB), Vol. 73, 1960, pg 120:
The Falzbein will cease publication and the editorial board will say farewell in it to its readers with the March issue. That the decision to cease publication was not premature was  demonstrated by the apathy of the whole [bookbinding] trade that found no words of regret regarding the decision. So, we will publish our last articles with this issue. As of April, the Masters who subscribe to the AAfB will have 2 pages in that publication that they can refer their apprentices to.
The colleague in Germany who shared that notice reports that the new "minimal" format comprised 2 ~ 3 articles and ca 1/2 page for the serialized version of Moessner's Buchbinder ABC, a bookbinding dictionary in German. Schmedt, a large bookbinding supply company provides it online. Publication in any form ceased in 1966.

My next post will hopefully contain photos of my 9 volumes and a bit more background information. If not, I'll share another caricature or two. As in the case of the Buchbinderlehrling, the volumes were all bound by apprentices in various styles.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Glue Pots

The glue smells really peculiar today... [mustard]
From the Falzbein (December 1959, Heft 9, 12Jahrgang)

I remember seeing this and doing it during my apprenticeship. I did not get to eat the sausage, the Meister grabbed it first. Evidently he knew the prank, too...