Learned on Friday that Norma Rubovits passed away at the age of 97 1/2. Bill Drendel wrote a wonderful tribute to her that was posted on Book_Arts-L, Bill Minter shared images from a 2010 exhibition of her work at the Newberry, and I found myself remembering her from my days in Chicago. Norma was a regular participant at Chicago Hand Bookbinders meetings, which is how I came to know her during the late 1980s – early 1990s. Fast forward to 2006, and I was very glad to have included her in the retrospective exhibition held for the Guild of Book Workers' 100th anniversary where one of her vignettes was shown.
Here Bill's Drendel's tribute:
The passing of Norma B. Rubovits
The book arts community lost a good friend this week Wednesday, when Norma
B. Rubovits died at the age of 97. She was a pioneering paper marbler,
imaginative bookbinder, major collector and donor. For decades from the
1960s well into the current century, she had a role to play in Chicago book
arts and at the Newberry Library. The Newberry hosted a retrospective
exhibition of her work in 2010 that celebrated her international renown.
Norma's story is one of determined craft, original thinking, and careful
collecting, but it started almost by chance. One day in 1964, Norma's
husband Frank asked her if she wanted to take a binding class with him. He
had inherited a collection of deteriorating books from his grandfather’s
library. Norma said "Why not?" and off they went - to study with Elizabeth
Kner, a well- known Hungarian émigré binder with a studio in the Printer's
Row area of Chicago. Although Norma became an accomplished binder, her
attention soon turned to marbled papers. She taught herself to make marbled
paper, by referring to old manuals and sample books at the Newberry, and
also by seeking out and getting to know others interested in the art. Her
papers were accomplished enough that Jim Wells bought some for use in the
Newberry Library bindery, and other customers lined up too. But Norma was
not content to produce sheet after sheet of beautiful but predictable
papers. She started experimenting with smaller marbles that took up only
part of a sheet and eventually came to place these compositions toward the
center, using the sheet as a sort of frame. She first referred to these as
marbled "doodles" and later "mono-prints," but finally settled on
"vignettes." The marbling world had never seen anything like them, and they
caused a stir. The Chicago Public Library included her prominently in an
exhibit in 1969. She got invitations to exhibit her papers and bindings in
group shows locally, nationally, and internationally. She visited Turkey,
then as now a center of the marbling world, and corresponded with marblers
everywhere. Her international reputation was further solidified in 1992
when Dawson's Bookshop in Los Angeles issued Marbled Vignettes, a limited
edition of original miniature marbles along with an accompanying interview
in which Norma described her methods and aesthetic.
From the start, Norma Rubovits collected everything she could find on the
art of marbling, including copies of the rare manuals she had seen at the
Newberry and hundreds of other works about paper, binding, and related book
arts. She built a huge collection of papers made by others, largely by
purchasing or trading some of her sheets for some of theirs. She often told
the story of how shocked and pleased she was when Newberry’s curator, James
Wells expressed interest in keeping her papers as part of the John. M. Wing
Foundation. But Wells retired soon after and he referred her to "the new
guy," Paul Gehl. Norma's major gifts to the Newberry began in 1991 and
continued for over a decade. As recently as last year she was adding
individual papers and books. The collection is always growing in other ways
too. Marblers and authors on paper continue to send their work to the
Newberry in Norma's honor. Norma also endowed a book fund at the Newberry
for the purchase of books on binding and decorated papers. The collection
now numbers more than 4000 marbled pieces and more than 170 books,
including many of Norma's own bindings.
Many will mourn Norma as artist and friend. Born Norma Bloch on August 26,
1918 in Tulsa, Oklahoma, she graduated from the University of Oklahoma and
came to Chicago to work at the University of Chicago hospitals as a
dietitian. It was during this time she met Dr. Frank E. Rubovits, an
obstetrician-gynecologist from an established Chicago family. They raised
two daughters: Paula, an artist and model, and Randi, a psychiatrist. Frank
died in 1987, Paula in 1988. Norma died March 16, 2016. Randi
Rubovits-Seitz is the sole immediate survivor. A memorial is being planned.
Aus demBuchbinderlehrling, 7 Jg., 1937 – Werkzeugkästen für die Stifte im ersten Lehrjahr, fortgeschrittenere Lehrlinge und Gehilfen, sowie Gesellen und Meister.
Out of the Buchbinderlehrling, Vol 7, 1937 – Tool sets for apprentices in their first year, more advanced apprentices and unskilled laborers, as well as journeymen and masters.
Stifte im ersten Lehrjahr, Reichsmark 9
For 1st apprentices, 9 Reichsmarks
Für Buchbinderlehrlinge und Gehilfen, Reichsmark 50
For apprentices and "unskilled" laborers, 50 Reichsmarks
Für Gesellen und Meister, Rcichsmark 70
For journeymen and masters, 70 Reichsmarks
Nix für Lehrlinge sondern eher Gesellen und Meister... Ohne Preis.
Nothing for apprentices, but rather journeymen and master... Priceless
Gefunden in der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek und von der Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg – das Exlibris von W. Collin entwurfen von dem Graphiker Hermann Hirzel, 1899. Hirzel war Schweizer und studierte an der Kunstakademie Berlin wo auch Georg Collin studiert hat um die gleiche Zeit. Er starb 1939 in Berlin.
Found in the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek and in the collections of the University Library at Würzburg – the exlibris of W. Collin, designed by the artist Hermann Hirzel, 1899. Hirzel was Swiss and studied at the Kunstakademie Berlin where Georg Collin also studied at about the same time. He died in Berlin in 1939.
Chicago Weltausstellung, 1893 | Chicago World's Fair, 1893
Mappe mit 32 losen Blättern nach Photographien der Bauten und anderen Sehenswürdigkeiten der Weltausstellung mit Baukosten dieser. Author: Wilde, Otto u. Albert Ganzlin (ed) Beschreibung: Mappe von W.Collin,
Königl. Hofbuchbinderei Berlin. Signiert unten auf Rückdeckel.
Portfolio with 32 loose plates from photographs of the pavilions and other sites. Interesting is that the descriptions for these also include the construction costs.
Author: Wilde, Otto u. Albert Ganzlin (ed)
Description: Portfolio by W.Collin,
Königl. Hofbuchbinderei Berlin. Signed at bottom of rear cover.
Seitdem ich vor einigen Wochen das erste Teil meiner Geschichte und Bibliographie der Berliner Hofbuchbinder und Schriftsteller, Die Collins - Teil 1: Wilhelm und Georg veröffentlicht habe, habe ich einige Emails, Anregungen, und wertvolle Kritik von Bibliophilen und anderen bekommen.
Am meisten habe ich mich über die Bilder von Maria Schweidler, die Bernsteinhexevon Wilhelm Meinhold. Die Erstausgabe aus Berlin, 1843 wurde in einem Handeinband der Firma W. Collin gebunden, der Ästhetik nach vermutlich aus der Zeit von Georg Collin, also zwischen 1886 - 1918. Der Pergamenteinband ist handvergoldet mit den Vorsätzen, Schnitt und der mit Buntpapier beklebte Schuber in einem einheitlichen Muster. Der Einband ist in der
Privatsammlung von Günter
Jung in Deutschland. Ich danke Ihnen Herr Jung.
Since publishing the first part of my history and bibliography of W. Collin, the Berlin-based Court Bookbinders Wilhelm and Georg Collin, as well as Georg son Ernst who rather than binding went on to become one of the most important writers about bookbinding... in Germany in the first half of the 20th century, I have received several emails, words of encouragement, and useful critique from bibliophiles and others in Germany. So far the history and bibliography are only available in this first part, and only in German...
I was happiest to receive the images below of Maria Schweidler, die Bernsteinhexeby Wilhelm Meinhold. The first edition from Berlin, 1843, was bound in full vellum and hand gilt at W. Collin, most likely during the time of Georg Collin (1886-1918). Endpapers, edge treatment, slipcase are decorated in the same marbling pattern... I am most grateful to Günter Jung whose book this is, for sharing and allowing me to publish the pictures here.
Einband in Schuber | Binding in slipcase
Gesamt Einband | Overall binding
Schnitt und Vorsätze | Foredge decoration and endpapers
Bücher zu sammeln, besonders antiquarische, kann manchmal wie geruhsames Angeln sein...,
Book collecting, especially of antiquarian titles can be like contemplative fishing...,
oder wie auf der aktiven und spannenden Jagd zu sein...
or like being hot on the trail of the quarry...
Ich bin dabei meine Sammlung von dem Falzbein, das nachkriegs Pendant zum Buchbinderlehrling zu vervollständigen und habe eins der ersehnten Jahrgänge gesehen in einem besonders schönem Lehrlingseinband...
I'm in the process of completing my collection of the Falzbein, the postwar equivalent to the Buchbinderlehrling, and saw one of the missing volumes in an especially attractive apprentice binding.
Photo vom Antiquar | Dealer photo
Dieser war auf eBay zusätzlich zu verschiedenen Händlerplatformen wie ABE, ZVAB, ... angeboten. Versucht zu bestellen, weg... Schade, aber der gute Antiquar hatte noch einen der mir fehlte also trotzdem dem Ziel näher...
This had been offered on eBay by the dealer in addition to the other bigger platforms such as ABE, ZVAB, ..., and when I tried to order I got the bad news that this volume was gone already. Dang, but the good Antiquarian had another volume I was missing, so still a step closer to the finish line...
Note from dealer letting me know the bad news...
Weiter suchen, und ein paar Monate später tauchte der selbe (Bilder vergleichen) bei einem meiner lieblings Antiquare auf. Geschnappt...
Continued my searching, and a few short months later the same volume in the same binding (compare pictures) showed up at one of my favorite dealers. Got it!
Oft ist die "Jagd" nach Titeln eher geruhsam, wie im ersten Bild, dieses mal, eher Aktiv und hat sich gelohnt. Wer den 11. Jahrgang hat, darf sich gerne bei mir mit einem Angebot melden...
The hunt for books is usually slower and more contemplative (like in the first picture), and sometimes they get away. This time it was more aktiv, like a dog following a fresch scent, but I got the quarry. So, whomever has the 11th volume of this title and is willing to part with it, make me an offer...